Who are we?
EventyrligUtleie AS is a Norwegian rental company with a vision of offering the beauty of Norway through our cabins and apartements. For a long time, people all over the world have been on the search for the perfect place to spend qualitytime, either it's summer, autumn, winter or spring. Therefore, we have chosen Skiekampen and Brumunddal as our first options of rentals in Norway. Altough, we are still striving to find more places that gives our customers the absolute feeling of quality and exlusiveness such as Skeikampen and Brumunddal.
Need help with renting out your place? Contact us!
A Real Adventure.
In 1931 the Gausdal Høifjellshotell was opened, and the Norwegian people was introduced to what would be one of the best skiplaces in the country. From that time, Skeikampen has been promoted as the skiplace with the most ideal terrain, which in later years has been experienced to be correct.
Therefore, when we got the opportunity to introduce our customers to Skeikampen, through our "Fjellro" cabin, we were super excited! - From looking for a good place to have a great time, to setteling down for the best one has lead to great results with good service and happy customers.
The City Of Development.
In 2019 Brumunddal had one of it's biggest changes, and investments. The Wood Hotel came to life, with an amazing 85,4 meters from the ground and up, and 18 floors. Designed with beauty, and a assumption of a seaview that no other wood hotel will be able to beat. Stashed with a restaurant inside, offices and a swimming pool.
Ofcourse, it was (and is) a pleasure to give our guests an opportunity to experience the city of development, Brumunddal!